The Journey, a video series presented by the Unity of Spirit Community, explores spiritual progress from both an individual and a collective perspective. This is the first installment, The Human Journey, traces the evolution of spiritual perception and belief over the course of human history. Early in the development of Humankind, virtually all time and effort was spent merely surviving. As time passed, our forebears gained knowledge and wisdom, discovering better and more efficient ways to provide for basic needs. This allowed time to consider more subtle and abstract perceptions, such as connections between individuals and others and with the their environment. Eventually, our ancestors discovered the existence of Spirit, an an element that, although unseen in physical terms, was a part of themselves, their fellow humans and all that existed outside of themselves. Along the way, a vast number of faiths and traditions rose and fell as our ancestors continued to understand the connections between the physical and spiritual realms. Today, we understand Spirit as the true essence of the Universe and all that is in it. We recognize that the source of everything we see and observe is a manifestation of a spiritual reality that transcends the four dimensional space-time in which we spend our present existence. It is our sincere hope that you will, at the very least, find this presentation to be an interesting view of an ancient topic. However, you may find some measure of knowledge and wisdom that may aid you in your own spiritual journey.